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Nelson… “Out of the Pigpen and into the Palace…”

What a great kid he has turned out to be!!! When I think about the first time we saw Nelson, it still brings tears to my eyes… His Voodoo parents were so mean to him… setting him on the ground in the hot sun, with no water, and this poor child was not able to walk. All he could do was “sit on his knees in the sun,” until someone came and picked him up. We took him to our orphanage, knowing that he could not walk! We finally got him a little tricycle that he could hold on to, and this allowed him to start to walk! Soon he was running! Then he started talking!

He could not believe the difference between our orphanage and where he came from. He thought he was living in a palace or mansion! He had a clean bed, and clean clothes and plenty to eat.. and lots of brothers and sisters!!!

He is now in school and doing great! He is so sweet and so smart! Anyone would be proud to claim him! He is a “road runner” when playing soccer!!! We love this kid!!! God has brought him out of the pigpen and put him in the “palace!” (At least, our clean home is a palace to him!) Oh yes, we love Nelson!!! Sherry

PS: Notice he has his Bible… he was on the way to Church!

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Jesse Ostrander Arrives in Lasile

This is Jesse Ostrander in the yellow hat in Lasile, near the Nippes area. He arrived yesterday with a small team and today, he and the team have been distributing rice, beans, cooking oil, and milk. We have split our teams so we could work in two areas at one time. Jesse said, “The need is overwhelming!”

In about 45 minutes, Bobby and I will be headed to the airport to board a small plane to fly back into Jérémie to distribute food. We have a local team ready to help us. Thank you, partners! God bless you for your help and love! Bobby and Sherry

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Latest News – Updates on the Earthquake Relief

Good news for tents!

Update on the housing needs caused by the earthquake:

Praise the Lord—we have had an anonymous donor offer to purchase two family-size tents for every one purchased by other donors! The tents we need cost [about] $180 each. Each tent will house one family for up to a year while they rebuild their homes. The need is great for 1,000 tents throughout the hardest-hit areas of Les Cayes and Jeremie in southwest Haiti.

To provide the funds for a tent, please call our office at 239-210-6107. For those who want to order a tent through our Amazon wish list, please let the office know you did this so our anonymous donor can match your gift with two more tents.

The biggest things you can do to help are spread the word… and as always, pray as God leads you!

When we all move together on behalf of the Haitian people, great things can happen! If you can make one tent happen, now three tents will be given to those who need them most! Thank you, friends, and partners. Love is something you do… together!

More updated news:

Casimi made it back here last evening. Now he is ready for another container load of rice.

All the rice, cooking oil, and condensed milk left yesterday evening from Port-Au-Prince by boat to Jeremie. The rice company put heavily armed guards on the boat. They said because gangs may attack the boat at sea. Mayor Yvrose will be ready with 20 security guards when the boat arrives between 9 and 10 AM this morning.

More news: 

Last evening a 4.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Lasile. Jesse Ostrander told me he and our staff ran out of their rooms scared to death.

Today Jesse, Hubert, and our staff will be in Lasile distributing food.

Today Sherry and I may be in Jeremie. If not, then first thing in the morning.

We are concerned about how to get there. Waiting on a confirmation…

I know one thing in the future, I’m wanting a small plane so we can go places and get the job done… I’m a pilot and in the past have flown 400 trips to Haiti until my right engine blew up!…

Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“God Always  Has A Backup Plan.”

We read in the Book of Judges Chapter Six,  that the children of Israel had done such evil in the sight of the Lord that He turned them over to the evil  Midianites. These people were so evil that it caused the children of Israel to hide in caves. They had their “tail between their legs,” and now, they were no longer on the “winning side.” But, God is merciful. He put a battle plan into action! Did God choose a famous general? No!

Who does God choose but a young man named Gideon, who was threshing wheat by a winepress, to hide it from the Midianites, for they would take everything. God spoke to Gideon and told Gideon that He would show him 300 men who would fight the battle against 135,000 Midianites, and win! And they did!! When everything is going wrong, God always has a “backup plan!” Keep looking up!


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Jovanie, a Tough Young Lady!

The first time we saw Jovanie, was when she was just a young girl. A Haitian lady in our neighborhood told us about her. At that time, Jovanie had red hair from malnutrition and it did not seem that her mother was caring for her. We told her that we could take care of Jovanie. Soon after, and with good care, her hair changed from red to black. Jovanie did well in school, but when she went to nursing college, we had some discipline problems with our “Prodigal Daughter.” She had decided to attend a nursing college in Leogane, Haiti (a wonderful college) and did well, but then, goofed off. After having a talk with the director, she assured me that Jovanie needed to stay and hang in there. I don’t know what happened, but Jovanie turned around 100%!!

She is so intelligent, that I think she gets bored sometimes. In Haiti, you can pass four years of nursing college but you must take the government test to get your license. Jovanie and the others in her class took their exams, but then, she and others waited for their results, when they got word that someone “lost all their nursing exam papers!” This meant that Jovanie and the others, would have to wait a year or two, to re-take the exams! (This happens a lot of times here in Haiti!) So, not to waste that time, Jovanie went to Hinche, Haiti to study to become a midwife! She did extremely well!

Now, as soon as they “give the nursing exams again” she will take them, and get her Nursing License and also for her Midwife License! Jovanie is one of our best! She is tough, loves the patients, and nothing bothers her… She would be the perfect person to work during disaster relief. We are proud of her, sticking it out and making a turning point in her life!! She will be a great nurse and a great midwife! We are so proud of her, and we love her very much! She graduates from midwife school in August! 


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Update on Disaster Relief

Thank you for your prayers. Casimi with our semi-tractor caring a forty-foot container of rice left this morning before daylight in the darkness to travel through the gang-infested and controlled Martissaint. PTL! He had no problems! Behind our semi container was our staff in another vehicle following. Jesse Ostrander, Philimond, Garneir, and Carlos. Just right now Jesse Whatsapp messaged me and said they have arrived and getting ready to unload the rice in the next 10 minutes!

I had told him to take a picture of our semi-truck/container when it pulled in. He said the beans and all the cooking oil have also arrived and are being unloaded. This is good news! Tomorrow, Jesse and Hubert, our contacts there will be traveling in the worst out-of-the-way areas tomorrow with rice, beans, and cooking oil.

Later today will be giving updates on our food deliveries in Jeremie and the sounding areas. Mayor Yvrose is our contact and distributed there. Sherry and I will arrive on early Tuesday morning. We have a very large amount of food coming in by boat. Please really pray, a lot can go wrong here in Haiti. Pray works! Love is something you do! Pray… we are needing money for tents. Thank you for any help small or big. This morning I was talking to a missionary telling me about all the places he traveled in the hard-hit areas. How he has the location and families; where they are. Haitians are begging for tents. So many have lost their shelter. Lost everything.

Missionary Bobby Burnette



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Word from the Mission Field

This day belongs to the Lord!

“This is the day the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24

Today is Sunday and no matter what comes our way today, I will rejoice and be glad in it. The Lord made this day just for us. The best is yet to come!

Bobby Burnette

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Update On Casimi

Casimi had our rice loaded today in our 40-foot container. We had him park the container. No one knows where for security reasons, or when he will take off with our 20 tons of premium rice. He must travel through a very dangerous area. He will be taking a 5 to 6-hour drive tomorrow to deliver our rice for distribution.

Thank you for praying… Please pray for safe travels tomorrow. Prayer works! We love you…

Bobby Burnette

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Yolanda… Beautiful but Tough!

Yolanda was born in Savaan Roch, high in the mountains. Her father, a farmer, was killed and her mother had just given birth to her. Her mother had nine children so she knew she could not take care of another child. So, she took baby Yolanda and her cousin Daphline to our orphanage. We made the decision to take both children and they have been with us ever since.

We just hate to see these kids grow up, but, Yolanda can still “jump rope” with the best of em’! Yolanda is girly but she loves to play basketball and even scares the boys! Her favorite thing to do is cook! The kids have given her a nickname… “goat-head! Tet Kabrit!” Yolanda is a special young girl!! She loves the Lord, loves to sing, and wants to be a Pharmacist! We love her so much… she is fun to be around!


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Update Food Report: 

We have a friend who is a surgeon, who flew in from America to help with the earthquake victims in Camp-Perrin, Les Cayes. These words are from him this morning. “The power of an earthquake is remarkable. It moved a portion of a mountain, changed the course of a river, created landslides that buried hundreds, and destroyed all the hillside homes in the area. It’s hard to put into words what I saw…”

Please pray for these people and all those affected by the earthquake. Really need your prayers. Casimi, our container driver, is at the port, loading our 40-container with rice. He will drive our semi-tractor and container through a “gang-infested” controlled area called Martissaint. I’m hearing that the gangs are letting smaller trucks with emergency food through, but everyone is worried about our large 40-foot container traveling through, without kidnapping Casimi and taking everything. We are not saying “what time” for security reasons. This is an urgent prayer request. Will keep you updated.

In the morning at the Port-Au-Prince port, they will be loading around 22 tons of rice, cooking oil, and condensed milk for the earthquake children, that we purchased. All will be heading to Jeremie, which from there, will go into different “hard-hit” provinces. Sherry and I will be there to help distribute through Mayor Yvrose and many, many local churches.

Also today, we are having beans and cooking oil being unloaded in Miragoine and taken to the distribution point. On Monday our food will be taken to La’isle, one of the “hardest hit” areas inside the epicenter. All this week rice, beans, cooking oil, water, and much more will be taken to many, many hard-hit areas.

We have sent food and emergency supplies to Les Cayes. Soon we will be having a container from our office in Fort Myers full of tarps, blankets, and other emergency supplies. We want to thank you for all your financial help and prayers. We are all doing this together. Without you, these wonderful things could not be done. Love is something you do!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

P.S. We are praying for the funds for 1,000 tents because families are desperate for shelter.




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