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Stranger Things Happen in Haiti

You may never believe the story I am about to tell you…but it is real. This is Davidson, and he is in the 11th grade here at our Love A Child school. He and his brother, David, are twins. They came from the mountains of Covant, which is in the[…]

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Stay Tuned…

This is Davidson, one of our older kids, reading his Bible with great joy! Some people don’t believe in evil, Voodoo, or Satanic worship, but be sure to read our 6:00 p.m. post for this “shocking story!” Sherry

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Good Seed Planted!

Wilner is the head of our Agricultural Training Center, he’s with some of his staff who work in the gardens every day.  Here are some pictures from this morning with bananas and sugar cane from the ATC. We have an abundance! I was so happy. Look at what the Lord can do! I will never forget when we received all of this land as a special donation to Love A Child. It was dry, full of cactus, and very thorny bushes[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

These are the words of Jesus, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Luke 5:4 – Simon Peter had told Jesus, “Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing…” Luke 5:5 – When they did what Jesus said, they caught a[…]

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James “Ti Pigeon” Wants to be an Attorney!

James Francois, “Ti Pigeon.” All of our children have “nicknames” given to them by “other children. His mother, Jocelyn, died when he was young and his father was unable to take care of him. (Note: the Department of Social Services in Haiti consider a child an “orphan” if their mother[…]

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Beans and More Beans!

We are getting ready for another large feeding program, but this time, far in the mountains of Haiti. Where we are going, these families and children have not had much protein or food of any kind for a long time. We want to thank our partners who sponsored this 20-foot container of black beans that came all the way from the States. Black beans are outrageously over-priced here in Haiti! We could never have afforded to buy this many beans here. Now, in addition to feeding children hot meals, families will go home with black beans and Feed My Starving Children[…]

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New TV Show “For the Children” Airs Tonight!

Join us this week on a journey high into the mountains as the Love A Child team provides a Mobile Medical Clinic to a poor village on our latest show, “For the Children.” You will witness the healing hand of Jesus touch these children and families, and save lives. Watch[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Broken Ships.” God wants us to be “friendly” to everyone. But God does not want us to “join ourselves” to those who do not serve Him. Sometimes, we have a friendship or a relationship with someone that God does not approve of. Things seem to go “from bad to worse.”[…]

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Jean Richard, Our Musician

His name is Jean Richard Volmar. He developed cerebral palsy when he was very small but his mother grew ill and could not care for him and he was sent to a handicapped orphanage. That building was destroyed during the 2010 earthquake, so we brought him to our Love A[…]

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Driving Lessons!

“Oh Lord, help us! Today, the girls wanted some driving lessons! Poppie Bobby took Dimelia, Widlene, and Fabienne for a couple of “rounds” around the Love A Child Children’s Home and then, ventured out a little more on the property! Dimelia and Widlene drove first, but Fabienne was too scared![…]

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