GOD HAS MORE MIRACLES THAN WE HAVE NEEDS! "… With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27 Today, you may be facing the Red Sea. Be ready, the Lord is about to open the Red Sea and you will walk across on dry land! When you get...
We just love Richard so much! So many of you may know his story, and some may not, but Richard came to us right after the earthquake. He was raised in an orphanage for people with disabilities, which was demolished during the first wave of the earthquake. Later they found homes for all the children,...
We share food with "many" organizations once a month. Their representatives come from different areas in Haiti and often have to take their lives into their hands due to the gangs on the streets. We not only share food, but some organizations have clinics and need medicine, some need clothing. We share what we have...
"Pray for the Harvest" Jesus had just finished healing the sick and casting out devils. He had been preaching the kingdom of God and healing all manner of sickness..."But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." That's when...
This is Rachael; her real name is Nazalie. She is one of our Love A Child children. About six months go she developed a bad head infection that looked a lot like impetigo. Our Children’s Home's head began sending her weekly to a “skin doctor,” as she called him. He was about three hours away...
There is nothing as sweet as watching little Haitian children eat! These children are in an orphanage run by our friend David Wine. It is hard for many missionaries to get the food they need for their children, and we love sharing what God has blessed us with. Each month, as God provides, we share...
Work is being done on the medical staff housing, where 49 people will live during the week while the new Jesus Healing Center is open. Most of the staff do not have cars, and it’s too dangerous to go back and forth. We want to take good care of the medical staff because they take...
“Angels Unawares…” I believe that three times in my lifetime, I have experienced the presence of Angels. The Bible says we have “Angels” watching over us. Gideon was a young man in the country of Israel. The Midianites had destroyed everything the Israelites had, crops, sheep, oxen, etc. The children of Israel went and “hid themselves” in caves of the...
It seems like yesterday that Noah was found at our gate here at Love A Child. He had been abandoned, probably by his mother. He had been beaten, had teeth marks on his body, and scars from where he had been beaten. Noah had no hair, and he had severe malnutrition... Noah required lots of...
We just dedicated our Malnutrition Center two days ago, but there is a lot to do before we can open it (within two weeks) for those little ones. Operating a Malnutrition Center is much more “fragile” than a clinic. These babies and toddlers are on the brink between life and death. Everything must be in...