This young man is Jean Mario. He has a very strange story, which we will share tomorrow. But his “Madamn” was having a baby at “home.” The person who helped deliver the baby wanted 1,000 gourdes to cut the umbilical cord! He didn’t have it, so he left the woman with the baby connected to...
“God Can Use Whoever He Wants To…” In the 4th chapter of Judges, we see that “Israel has sinned again and made God angry!” He let them be sold into slavery by Jabin, the King of Canaan. There was a woman judge, which is hard to believe because women in the Old Testament were not...
This is Jameson, and he is a cutie. He was brought to our Jesus Healing Center with horrible sores from his head to his toes. His eyes were so full of dust and dirt (from where he lived) that he couldn’t even open his little eyes! It was so sad, and he was so uncomfortable....
We welcome Mark Ostrander today to Love A Child. Would you believe this makes around Mark’s 450th trip to Haiti? This week, he will oversee the building of the Birthing Center. He will also start making the panel walls for the seven houses we are going to build in Miracle Village for families who live...
“Timing is Everything.” How impatient we are! When we pray, we snap our fingers and expect God to “do it now!” God sees the whole plan! He knew just “when” to send Bobby and me to Haiti! Even though we wanted to come before then, He is a God who “sends His angels beforehand” to...
It was wonderful to have Evangelist Jim Whittington preaching at our church here in Fond Parisien! The crowds listened intently as Jim preached on “The Seventh Man.” With us were our translator Daniel, Jim's wife Susan, Eldon Bryce, Bobby and Kaeli, our missionary. Great job, Evangelist Jim Whittington! Bobby and Sherry
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 — The best way to preach the Gospel is to let your light shine. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel always; when necessary use words.” Have a blessed Sunday!...
Thank you, partners, for sponsoring the food that comes to Haiti!!! We feed many poor villages, in addition to feeding over 8,000 Love A Child School children each day. We also feed our children’s home and the staff, in addition to sharing with 90 other organizations each month! It is quite a job for all...
Bobby and I were just driving by this great blessing, the miracle of the water and pump for the people and children here in Fond Parisien! This well pump that you, and all our friends from Facebook gave towards provides 1,200 gallons of fresh, clean water per minute!! It is a miracle! It also provides...
The volunteer team from Washington State left this morning for home; their trip was a great success!! They did way more than I ever dreamed they could do! I took some good pictures of the team along with all the great Haitian workers yesterday. I'm having big iPhone problems, and I have not been able...