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Word from the Mission Field

“What about that little thing called a tongue?” We are all guilty. Sometimes, we say things we don’t mean. And as soon as the words go out, they are like small white feathers in the wind. We cannot get them back. Every one of us has said, “Oh, I wish I[…]

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Job… “Tall as a Coconut Tree.”

A farmer, Mr. Augustine had anxiously awaited the birth of his child. With no midwife around, Madamn Augustine gave birth to a baby boy and then died. How sad. Because his father was unable to care for him, Mr. Augustine brought the baby to us. Job is now 14 years[…]

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I just took this picture today… On Saturday we had an emergency when our generator quit. We had four times the hours on the engine than we were supposed to. It lived four lives! On Saturday I mentioned I had to buy the 175,000 watt generator on credit… $42,000 by[…]

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The Story of Two Little Girls – Jodine and Mikensi

Little Jodine and Mikensi are like many poor children in Haiti. They do not go to school. They live in a stick house made of mud. Madamn Nery, a young woman, worked hard with her husband to make a living, but he died. She was then living in the street[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Caring for the Poor… God’s Message to Moses. God has always had provision for the poor. He has laid the foundation of “giving to the poor,” back since the Book of Leviticus. “And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of[…]

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Our Joseph…

His real name is Babeto Lyma, but we have always called him Joseph. He and his sister Sarah were both brought to us with malnutrition. When their mother died, their father deserted them. Joseph was very frail and nearly died from severe malnutrition. But, the Lord healed him and helped[…]

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Madamn Augustine’s Story

Thank you for your support!!!! Madamn Bernard Augustin lives with her family in Marisil, a very remote area in the south of Haiti. For more than 25 years, she has weaved sleeping mats that are used for poor families to sleep on the floor in their houses. It takes Madamn[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When all hope is taken away.” In Acts 27 Apostle Paul is a prisoner of the Gospel. He had done nothing wrong but his preaching stirred up the Jews. When he went before King Agrippa, the king sent him on to Italy. They had to travel by ship. Apostle Paul[…]

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Haiti Needs More Doctors

Roselyne is any parent’s pride and joy! She is one of our older Love A Child children and we are so proud of her. She is now in college in Haiti, at University Lumier. This is the same university that our head doctor, “Dr. Barthelemy,” graduated from. Roselyne has always loved[…]

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Love A Child

Urgent Breaking News

Our box truck which carried our generator just made it back safe to Petionville, Haiti. The company would not bring our generator to us because the road is too dangerous. Our guys had to use our truck to bring the generator to Love A Child. Farmer John just messaged me[…]

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