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Lucson… “Zorey!”

The village of Covant was one of our hardest and most dangerous mountains to get to. We had built a church and school there and had done some Mobile Clinics there. This is where Lucson came from. His mother Emile died during childbirth (this is why we built a Birthing Center)![…]

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Container update information

Please pray… None of our containers of food had been pulled out of customs until Saturday. Casimi bravely tried delivering one container of 272,000 meals. He only made it partway and had to stop and hide our container because of gunfire and the gangs. Today if he sees any way[…]

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Update on Jasson (Jackson)

As many of you may know, Jasson, the little boy in these pictures, has a kidney disease brought on by Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. His kidneys have been failing for some time. So we have been sending him to a Kidney Specialist in the Dominican Republic. Jesse Ostrander, who is working with[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

IN TIMES LIKE THESE: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers[…]

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So Many Ways to Cook Chicken!

“Cooking Crazy!!!” It has been quite an experience raising 85 Haitian children, and watching them grow up… some of the boys are in college and some are working for us full-time. Girls are so different than boys, especially here in Haiti! They “love to cook!!” They are always asking us[…]

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A Mother’s Day Story I Have Never Shared

Today is a very special day, and a day to honor my mother, who dedicated me to the Lord. When I was five months old I had a very serious complication that at that time, only happened to adults. My mother was not a Christian and my father was a[…]

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Happy Mother’s Day!

The greatest gift God can give anyone of us is our mother. God gave me the best mother I could have. She dedicated me to the Lord before I was born. Now, God has blessed Bobby and me with two children, Jonathan and Julie, and a wonderful daughter-in-law. We have[…]

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Miracle of Provision

FOOD IS LIFE: The supply chain to south Haiti where we are building the Gabion houses has been shut off for some time now by gangs blocking all the roads, which has caused extreme hunger for many of the people in our area. Over 140 needy women representing their families[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

EVEN SO, LORD JESUS, COME QUICKLY… “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall raise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the[…]

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Joachim’s Sad Story

All over Haiti, hunger is taking its toll on children, especially small children like 4-year-old Joachim. He and his brothers and sisters, five children in all, come from an area called, “Morne Horeb.” His mother has no job, and his father is a farmer. His father is always looking for food[…]

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