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No Place For People Like Me…

Imagine you live in Haiti where there is no work, and where many people are suffering from hunger. Imagine that no one cares about you, because they all have their own problems… Stress is invading the lives of the happy Haitians, due to the lack of security, the gangs, the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“You’re Not Finished… You’re Just Getting Started!” Read Genesis the 37th chapter. An amazing chapter. Joseph, the dreamer. All his brothers were jealous of him. They threw him in a pit and told their father that Joseph, his beloved son, was dead. Then from the pit, he was sold in Egypt[…]

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Update on Mikael

Mikael… His father, Jean Marcel Antoine could not care for him when his mother, Marie Julien died. So many mothers die in childbirth, leaving babies behind. When this happens, a father is overwhelmed and tries to find someone to take care of the baby. “Finding a good home,” or a[…]

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We Don’t Wanna Go Home!

That’s what some of our little “patients,” are saying here at our Malnutrition Clinic, especially these two little brothers!! We are receiving more and more children and we believe that this is due to the problems of food in Haiti, which is now due to the “insecurity” of the country.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Calling Of God.” Some people call it, “your destiny.” Others say it is your “assignment.” I think it is simply “your dream, your calling.” When God places His hand upon you for that “special calling,” it won’t always be easy. There will be many things that will get you “off focus.” Many times,[…]

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An Update on Yonel (Lionel)

His father got angry at him, held his hand in boiling water, threw him out on the street, and left him… to die. It was about ten years ago we got a call that someone was sending us a little boy who was found in the streets of Haiti with[…]

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Happy Mothers With Babies

The poor in Haiti are miserable, especially with the conditions of the country here. They cannot travel far to sell their wares, because there is no money for local transportation. They worry every day about the gangs in the streets, roadblocks, burning tires, and guns going off. But, there’s one[…]

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Country in Crisis – Delon Aven’s Story

So many people saw their homes crumble to the ground in the August earthquake. Delon Aven is just one of the many heartbreaking stories we’ve heard during our relief efforts. It’s been over two months since the destruction occurred, but we need your support now more than ever as we[…]

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Thank you for your prayers. Casimi made it with the last part of the tents, tarps, and earthquake emergency supplies. He arrived late yesterday afternoon, after hours. He jumped out of our semi, jumped on the forklift, and unloaded everything fast. Casimi said, “I have to go and try to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THE POOR: “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 The Lord pays a better interest than the bank! When we give and help the poor, it touches the very heart of God. In Psalm 41:1-3,[…]

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