For the people of Haiti, living here is a "life risk" every day. At the moment, there are no jobs and more unemployment, hunger, gangs, and sudden death. Haitian people are living with sadness, discouragement, and grief on a daily basis. Madamn Dorius Viergine is 22 years old. She came to our Birthing Center from Boulay, which...
Thousands of people lost their homes in Haiti’s earthquake. The elderly are at a major disadvantage when it comes to rebuilding what they’ve lost; Casimi Elismene is just one of these many stories. Go to and join us as we provide these people with permanent houses.
In spite of the lack of fuel, in spite of the gangs on the street, in spite of roadblocks and burning tires, God has made a way for our food distributions to continue, thanks to our container driver, Casimi. The food situation here in Haiti is critical. Just yesterday, two of our employees were robbed and what little...
How Big is Our God! This morning, as we were on vacation with our family, we looked at one of the majesties of God... the Grand Canyon! If you have never had the experience of seeing this awesome, beautiful majestic formation, it is indescribable! Words cannot explain it! Anyone standing there gazing must be thinking,...
James is a quiet guy. He is small for his age, and whenever all the kids are home, he is so quiet you would never know he is here!! James and his brother, Kidney, came to us from another orphanage when they lost their mother. James has always been a "quiet guy." He is not a troublemaker, and he...
Well, here we have little Ginyia, Noah, and Lionel with our turkeys! Ginyia is a brave little girl, and Noah was right on the trail of the turkey!! These children are from our Love A Child Children's Home, and this is our backyard. The turkeys, well, we are growing them, and they are big!! However,...
We are thankful for the meals being distributed to the very poor area of Sou Moulen, Haiti. Each box that you see has 216 nourishing meals inside full of rice, peas, carrots, onions, and soy. It’s enough protein as a chicken breast. Plus, minerals and many vitamins. The Haitians love these meals from Feed My Starving Children. They call it "ti...
Love A Child takes you into the villages that work tirelessly to make the mud cookies that they and other impoverished villagers eat to stave off hunger pains. Your heart will break as you see children born into this mud cookie reality. Fathers spend all their lives harvesting the rock to make these cookies; mothers...
Every day should be “Thanksgiving!” Look what the Lord has done for us! Every day, He loads us with His blessings! “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 136:1 Some days I do not ask the Lord for anything. He has done so much for us...
Today, our workers went to five villages to give out Feed My Starving Children meals. It’s called ti pa nou (just a little for us). Oh, they were so happy! This area is called Fond Bayard. Tomorrow, they will go to other areas, and all next week too. Thank you for helping make this happen. Love is something you...