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Happy To Have A Tent

These families are so thankful! The Sutton family and the Melissa Cleda family of six say thank you!!! God bless you. What these families have been through is unbelievable. Thank you to our friends who help make a difference. Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Sweet and Loving Zachary

It was about two years ago that Zachary’s mother came to our Jesus Healing Center. His mother “didn’t look quite right” to the doctor. After he examined her and gave her medicine, he realized that there was something wrong. She said she had “four children that died,” and “one little girl who disappeared!” He examined the baby and found malnutrition. But, worrying about the baby, he decided to send a couple of nurses with them when we took her back home. When we arrived, the neighbors ran and told us, “We are so glad you have that baby! She told everyone she was going to kill him with a butcher knife!”

We immediately called Social Services who said, “Take the baby away from her!” We brought the baby home and named him “Zachary.” Well, Haitian children start school early, but I was shocked to see Zachary in his little uniform this morning and on his way to school… with his bottle!  Seeing that he has a “drinking problem,” I don’t know how they will handle this!!! Ha! Zachary is just so sweet and loving… He is a “man’s man!” He is always with the older men… but, that will change when he gets to be about 16! We all love Zachary.  –  Sherry

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Another Touching Story from the Earthquake

Here is 68-year-old Lucner, who lost his house and his sewing machine. He made his living with his sewing machine and his 5 cows. He made uniforms for school children, which gave him the money to send all of his children through school. His sewing machine, which was destroyed, was the old fashion push pedal type. There is no electricity where he lives. If anyone has one in storage, or you can still buy this type, please send it to the office. I’m praying several will come to our office in Fort Myers. Now Lucner has a tent to live in until he gets back on his feet. Thank you to all who helped with the tents financially. It’s been amazing!

Today was downtime. Hubert had to repair his truck and get things ready for tomorrow’s tent distribution. Tomorrow Sherry, Jesse, and I will be going out and helping with the tents.  –  Bobby Burnette

Please send packages to our street address:

12411 Commerce Lakes Drive
Fort Myers, Florida 33913-8664

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Touching Stories From Earthquake Families

We are receiving so many touching stories from the earthquake families we are giving tents to. Here is the Ecclesiate Louis family. They lost their house in the earthquake. You can see they cleaned off their slab where their house was. They had no money, but Louis had a clever idea. He built a wood-burning oven to bake bread. They buy the flour on credit and then sell the bread for a small profit and pay for the flour.

They now have a tent and they can build a house… little by little. Thank you for your financial help and prayers. We are working together for the Lord… Love is something you do!

Tomorrow we will be traveling to help those in southern Haiti. We must pass through the most dangerous area in Haiti… Please be praying… Our second 40-foot container load of tents will be traveling with us, or the semi container may come on Friday. We really need your prayers… We love you. – Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field


Sooner or later, we will all go through the same battle… “You find yourself outnumbered!” You might say you’re overwhelmed, afraid, broke, discouraged… You have been given “bad news.” Maybe you had the “victory” yesterday, but now you are in the same boat as King Jehoshaphat… Outnumbered! Jehoshaphat was only 35 years old when he began to reign as king of Judah. He did “everything right” in the eyes of the Lord. But one day, his happy reign was changed in a moment of time. One of the king’s servants came in shouting, “There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea…” He looked out his window and saw the notorious armies of, not one but two, great kingdoms headed his way. The sound of thousands and thousands of horses, their hooves clamping and stomping on the ground, the dust coming up in the air… And the enemy was spread out as far as one could see. You could say, Jehoshaphat was “outnumbered!” And he was!

But you can feel that same heart beating fast as you come from the doctor’s office with bad news. You feel “outnumbered.” Or your husband just left you with children to raise, or a family member is sick until death, or you have just lost your job, or you just found out your son is on drugs… That’s “feeling outnumbered.” To God, there are no big problems and little problems. To the God who created the universe, He is never “outnumbered!” God spoke to Jehoshaphat and said, “BE NOT AFRAID NOR DISMAYED BY REASON OF THIS GREAT MULTITUDE; FOR THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, BUT GOD’S!” (2 Chronicles 20:15) Jehoshaphat won the battle!! He not only won the battle, but he and his people left town with an “abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much!” (2 Chronicles 20:25)

So, who’s outnumbered now??? Satan is, and you are on the winning side! DO NOT FEAR!! GOD IS NEVER OUTNUMBERED! 



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Zoey’s First Day of School!

Little Zoey was found abandoned on the road to New Letant. After taking her to the Social Services Department, they asked if we could keep her… and so, she became a “Love A Child” child! Zoey is three now, and in Haiti, “off to school she goes!” She will be in Pre-School I!

Zoey was supposed to start school a couple of weeks ago, but we did not have “black school shoes” for her. Except for mountain schools, all schools in Haiti will demand “black shoes” for school… and of course, uniforms! This is always a problem because schools in the states do not require this, (because all kids wear tennis shoes), and in Haiti, “black school shoes” are very, very difficult to find! So, we have been waiting for Pastor Mark to find these shoes… not only for Zoey but for all our kids!

Zoey, who is always smiling and happy, is not too happy today… She met up with “Poppie Bobby” en route to school and he tried so hard to cheer her up, but she was scared! I feel sorry for all the Pre-School teachers because they have lots of babies to handle… they are all afraid, crying, wetting their pants, and wanting to go home! But, after a couple of days, they settle into singing, dancing, learning, and doing really well in school. All Haitians LOVE school! It is a chance to get out and meet new friends, and learn!

Zoey will be fine! She is sweet, smart, intelligent, and very disciplined… well, most of the time! Ha! We all love Zoey!!! Sherry

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Tent Distribution in Barade

Today the people were so desperate to receive tents in an area called Barade. This area is very deep in the interior, a forgotten people… but not now!
So many touching stories of families receiving tents… Love is something you do!  –  Bobby Burnette
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The First Lady of Haiti Giving out the First Tent

Yesterday our team was in Lazile giving out tents. This area is one of the worst-hit areas from the earthquake. The truck left at daylight in the rain with 240 tents for the families of Lazile.

Hubert already had the location of where each tent would go, the name, and how many were in each family, etc. Each family had a red ticket to receive their tent.

The First Lady of Haiti heard from Joel that Love A child would be there giving out tents. She came and the TV stations crews were with her. She wanted to give out the first tent thanking Love A Child for what we are doing. She could not hold the tent in her hands because her right arm is totally paralyzed. She was shot 8 times by the assassins who shot and killed her husband President Jovenel.

Another lady, Madam Erita, and her little daughter received a tent. She was so thankful. She said her husband died 3 months ago, and she misses and thinks about him every day. She said if he was alive he would be cleaning up the rubble from their house which fell into rubbles. She was very touching… So many good stories yesterday of families receiving their tents.

This morning the truck left with more tents to travel into an area called Barade. Very far out into the interior… it is a long, hard drive. Hubert said in this area, every house fell.

Sherry, Jesse, and I, along with our Haitian team, will travel there tomorrow if we can get our second container of tents out of customs today. If not, we will travel there Thursday. Thank you for all your help and prayers. – Bobby

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Word from the Mission Field


“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

Have you ever felt like giving up? Ever said I’m discouraged and I don’t see how I can keep going. Don’t give up! “If God be for us, who can be against us!” Romans 8:31

The best is yet to come!! Tell the devil where he can go!! Bobby Burnette

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A Young Lady with a Bright Future

Jolina is turning out to be a special young lady. She loves church and singing! She is also a very good student. She works hard and studies hard, but look out boys, she plays hard too! She is tough at basketball and soccer! She has been known to “mow down” a couple of her big brothers. She is a good worker and loves to cook!

Jolina and her cousin, Daphline, were babies when they were brought to our orphanage. Her father had been killed and her mother could not take the stress of losing her husband. Jolina knows no other family than the other children at Love A Child. I can see a bright future for her.


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