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Distributing Tents on Cayimite Island

This report came to me today. The island of Cayimite is off the mainland of Haiti. These precious people were not forgotten. Today Hubert brought them 41 tents to live and get in out of the rain. The families were vetted ahead of time and who really needed tents. These pictures brought tears to my eyes. All of you who made this possible, thank you. Jesus will not forget you.

We are thankful and the Haitian people were thankful.

Missionary Bobby and Sherry Burnette

” Good morning Sir Bobby & Mrs. Sherry,

This morning Hubert distributed tents for the people living in Cayimite Island in the South of Haiti! This place is very affected by the earthquake and the people still living outside! The Association who received the tents will send pictures to Hubert and me for LAC during the distribution! Hubert continues to do a great job, we need serious people like him. God bless you.

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Calling Dr. Roselyne

Dr. Roselyne?

Well, she “looks like” a doctor! Roselyne is in college here in Haiti, to become a doctor.  She is from the mountains of Haiti from a poor family. They brought her to one of our Mobile Clinics because her legs were crooked.

At that time, there were no really good specialists in this field. We did send her back and forth for treatments, etc., but nothing worked. But, the taller she grew, the straighter her legs were! We just figured out that God had to get her attention, so that she could grow up serving Him and that God would use her life in a wonderful way, to help the poor. And she will! She will be one of Haiti’s best doctors and she will help and bless the poor. Another wonderful “Love A Child,” child, growing up and helping more people and children! They will all understand that “serving the poor,” is the closest thing to the heart of God!!


We all love Roselyne!!

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More Meals for the Hungry

More meals are being passed out in Bwahaha de Mye.  Everyone is thankful! Thank you to our friends. What a joy to help others. Matthew 25:40

We are doing it unto Jesus!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Babies, Babies, and more Babies.

These mothers are so, so happy to have a nice clean, beautiful place to have their baby! They all say, “this place makes me feel rich!”

I can understand why they say that… many of these mothers do not have a bed to sleep on, they have no clothing to put on their baby and they are not near a doctor, in case they have an emergency. But here, they have a nice Birthing Room with plenty of experienced midwives, and afterward, a beautiful Recovery Room, with food. If they have traveled far, there is housing nearby for a family to spend the night and eat a hot meal before heading home.

Many mothers are now using Birth Control, but for many, they do not choose this way. They want to make sure they have several children in case one or two die… When we save a mother’s life, we know that the child she has born and other children will not be going to an orphanage!

We are so thankful for our partners who helped sponsor this Birthing Center, saving lives! Special thanks to our partners who send in “Birthing Kits” and items for moms and babies! These kits came from our friend, Robin!! Thank you, Robin!!! And thanks to everyone who has helped us with the needs!!


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The Most Shocking Day of My Life

As many of you know, Haiti has been in political turmoil for the last two years. There is no “law and order,” because either the police are outnumbered, or they are part of the gangs! Each day we are here, it is like playing “Russian Roulette” to see if we come back from a trip alive, and without getting kidnapped.

A few days ago, when we were coming back from distributing tents for the earthquake people, our driver accidentally came onto a road where the gangs were. All of a sudden, we saw every car or truck ahead of us “turning around” and “getting the heck out of Dodge!” We also turned around and had to follow someone on far-out roads going all the way around, and to places in Haiti we had never been. We had heard of the great “wealth” of some Haitian families, and I thought I had seen where they lived… but I was wrong. So, for living in Haiti for over 30 years, we were about to see something we had never seen.

Our driver, trying to dodge the gangs, had come into a section I had never seen, where the billionaire families lived! Each house was more than a house… they were huge, huge mansions with high gates and impenetrable. The streets were all paved with beautiful stones, and as I drove through for about an hour, mansion after mansion, my eyes filled with tears, and they were running down my face. I was actually sick to my stomach. I was in “shock,” and could not even talk!

How many poor people, farmers, peasants, or women struggling to feed their children lived right below these people, but the rich don’t even know they exist? They drive by the poor, but they cannot and will not see them! And, they don’t want their children to know that the poor exist, because in their eyes, “the poor of Haiti is like garbage or trash” that needs to get picked up and eliminated. These “rich” live in a world of their own, and never, ever help the poor!

“Open Your Hand, Wide!”
At that moment, my heart went back to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, who was full of sores and only wanted the “crumbs” that fell from the table of the big fat man, who had more than enough to eat! The Bible says, “he fared sumptuously every day.” (Which means, he ate huge, gigantic meals every day!) But God had given a commandment in Deuteronomy 15:8, “But, thou shalt open thine hand WIDE unto him, (the poor), and shalt surely lend him (give him), sufficient for his need, that which he wanteth.” I believe there will be people who will miss heaven, not because they killed someone or had an affair, or stole, but because they saw the poor with their own eyes, and would not even give the “crumbs from their table.”

God bless you, when you give… anytime, anywhere, with your whole heart. God bless you when you give the “widow’s mite,” or whatever the Lord lays on your heart… Always be open to the “cry of the poor,” every day, every hour, so that the Lord can use you. Have a great and wonderful day.  –  Sherry

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Latest News

Thank you… every day we deliver Feed My Starving Children food to many villages. “Sou Moulen” was one of these villages. 30,240 meals were delivered here. Our workers have been taking meals to at least 4 to 6 areas per day, bringing food. The little children’s eyes light up when they see the “Ti Pa Nou” which means “just a little for us…” and they have been passing out tents in Southern Haiti each day and meals in our area. Thank you… without you, this could not happen. Your generosity has been unbelievable. The Haitian families say “merci,” Thank you!

We love you.

Bobby and Sherry

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First on his Christmas List… “Two Front Teeth!”

Samuel is an “easy-going” kid! He is now six! His mother brought him to Social Services because his father died and she did not want to be burdened with him. Samuel doesn’t like to go to sleep. He tries to stay up all night. He loves to sing, but he sings loud and off-key and everyone laughs when he sings! Oh, he’ll get better! Samuel does well in school and loves going to church! He loves to eat, but needs a couple more teeth to make a meal of it! We all love Samuel!  –  Sherry
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ATC Hope Seeds

We are so proud of Wilner and all the Agricultural Training Center workers. They train other Haitians how to grow and produce better crops. Sustainability… teaching Haitians how to help themselves. Can you tell me what crops you see in these pictures?

We are very thankful to “Hope Seeds” for all their many donations of seeds. David Balsbaugh is their President. “Hope Seeds” are the best! We love you…

God starts everything from a seed. When we plant a seed, expect a harvest! – Missionary Bobby Burnette

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More Tent Distribution Updates

More tents, 140, went out yesterday up in the mountains above the area of Anse a Veau. This is a forgotten area, difficult to get to.

More tents are going into the interior today and tomorrow. We cannot tell you how thankful all the families are who lost all in the earthquake. Thank you again for all your generous support to make these happen for the poor.

Love is something you do!
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

The Lord told King Jehoshaphat, “… Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

This morning, I feel within my heart that many of you are facing a battle in your life. The battle may be great, but God is greater! Today, a multitude may be against us, but God will fight the battle. We are on the winning side!

“If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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