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Four New Citizens Just Arrived!

Greetings from our Birthing Center and from four new little citizens of Haiti! Our Birthing Center saves lives every day… instead of mothers dying during childbirth in unsanitary conditions, they have their babies in a beautiful Birthing Center that “never closes!” 24/7 our Midwives and Doctors are on call. Every mother gets special attention, medical care, medicines, good hot food, and a nice clean bed. Meanwhile, on the front porch, nervous fathers and family members can sit in rocking chairs while listening to Christian Music.

It was my idea to have a nice large, wide porch with rocking chairs. It makes such a big difference, especially to the mothers and family members. Each mother receives a wonderful box gift that comes from our partners. These came from our friend Robin. Inside are baby blankets, diapers, safety pins, and all kinds of goodies!!! In about a week or 15 days, their Birth Certificates will be ready! This is a HUGE BLESSING in Haiti, because mothers have to go downtown to dangerous areas and wait and wait and wait for a Birth Certificate… and they do not get it back for a month… or even a year! When we give our best to the poor, “God gives His best to us!” Thank you, partners! – Sherry

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From Death to Life… the Story of Sanon Wadley

We love our Malnutrition Clinic… Sometimes we shed tears at the children who are brought here… and sometimes, it is tears of joy. Sanon Wadly was brought to our Malnutrition Clinic by his aunt. Little Sanon had been living with his aunt for several years because his mother had mental problems and his father had died. When our workers at the Malnutrition Clinic heard about Sanon’s life, it made everyone’s heart break. Sanon’s mother didn’t even know if he was alive or dead. Since her aunt was also very poor, she often fed Sanon cornmeal, even when he was a baby. He always cried when he didn’t get cornmeal… even though he should have been getting milk. Sometimes, she would feed him “dry bread soup,” water, and bread… but it did nothing for his health. The aunt and baby lived in a horrible area called, “Caanan Two.” It was built after the 2010 earthquake and had been taken over by gangs. So after she sells, she won’t have anything left because the bandits will take all her money. She would be down to “zero” again.

All these difficulties have caused Sanon to lose weight and become critically ill… near death. When his aunt brought him to our clinic, he weighed 8 kilos, and his hair was falling out and changing color to red. Now, Sanon eats small meals six times a day. He has very expensive milk that is formulated for these babies and of course, lots of medicine. He has changed so much… he now weighs 10 kilos. He walks, crawls, and laughs! He will now return home with a box of Manna Pack, (Feed My My Starving Children food), and will return for checkups… and to get more food! If this little guy’s picture doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, nothing will! He is indeed, a little miracle!

What great and precious partners you are! We wish we could “scoop you up and bring you to Haiti,” but it is too dangerous now. Please continue to “tarry by the stuff,” and watch and pray! We can tell Sanon he has lots of aunts and uncles on his side!!! I love this little kid! Sherry

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Read: Proverbs 11:13

I love Haitian proverbs. They come from the old-timers who had a lot of wisdom. They say, “Little by little, the bird builds a nest,” and “A little dog is really brave in front of his master’s house.” One proverb says, “Dirty clothes are washed in the family.” That means you don’t need to tell everyone everything… Don’t spread your dirt around.

The Bible says, “A talebearer reveals secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter.” There’s nothing worse than gossiping Christians who can’t keep their mouths shut. They go around spreading discord. I know some who have been hurt deeply by that. Let’s be like the faithful spirit in Proverbs and keep it between us and the Lord. Wash the dirty laundry inside the family and take the situation to the Lord in prayer.

Focus for today: Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the words you speak today and you will know when just be quiet.

– Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Two Peas in a Pod!

Jameson and Jonas are two of my favorite boys! They are always happy, sweet, smiling, and funny! Jameson came to us because he had such a horrible skin condition that was inherited from his mother. Oftentimes his mouth and other parts of his body will be broken out attacking certain areas of his body. Then he has to be scrubbed down with soap and betadine. He had suffered a lot. He cannot be in dusty areas and with the change of weather, he gets worse but always, always, has a smile!

Jonas, the one in the blue, is a rescued slave child. We put him in school with the kindergarten kids because he is just now learning his letters and numbers. Nothing bothers him or upsets him. He smiles 24/7! We just love these two little guys so much!  When God made them, He did some of His work!!


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LAC TV Program “The Widow’s Mite” Begins Friday!

Stories depicting the desperate circumstances of the marginalized in Haiti are brought to Bobby and Sherry’s attention in this week’s program, “The Widow’s Mite.” A 14-year-old boy, tired of watching his sister sleep in the elements, puts his young body to the task of building her a mud hut. Your heart will be touched as you witness a mother desperately trying to provide for her children, yet they are still hungry, their bodies covered in sores, eyes dull from sickness. But God’s bounteous love knows no limits, as even in these forgotten corners of the country lives are being changed.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Update on our Love A Child Children

Jasson (Jackson) is the little boy with kidney problems. As you may recall, the specialist said that it will be difficult to get a kidney transplant for Jasson, because it is difficult to find a donor and kidneys go to Dominicans first. The second option for Jasson is a special machine that does dialysis on children. The doctor told us that the dialysis Jasson had been given so far was for adults, and that he needed one for children. There is a special machine for children. This would mean that we would need to take Jasson when we take Dieuferly to the Dominican Republic. Jasson will have to have a special procedure in his navel so that when, and if, we can get the dialysis machine for “children,” he would be ready for that. Of course, our people will need to be trained on the machine, but this is our next best way to help Jasson at the present time. His life is hanging on a branch… We must do everything we can and let God do the rest. Our third child is Lionel, a young teen. His father got angry at him when he was very young, and held his hand in boiling hot water! A burn from boiling water is worse than a burn from a charcoal fire. His fingers are “stuck together,” looking like a “claw,” and he really needs to have them separated and have physical therapy on them! We are planning on all three children going to the Dominican Republic at the same time.

Jesse has a special “Zoom meeting” this evening at 5:00 with the doctors, and we will know more then. We want to thank the Lord for all He has done and especially to Jesse, who is like our own son, for all his love, care, and help to get these children good medical care. We also want to thank all of our partners, who pray for us, and who sponsor these sweet children!!! We love you all. – Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

Not in “That” Dirty River!”

Well, you asked for it… But, “how bad do you want it?”

The story begins in II Kings 5. “Now Na-a-man, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honorable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man of valour, BUT, HE WAS A LEPER.”

People loved him! They adored him! Little children threw roses in the streets in front of him, women danced in front of his chariot… but, “he was a leper.” There was no way out for Na-a-man. It is sad to have “everything” and yet, you have nothing. It is sad to be loved by all, and yet, you are the loneliest person in the world!

But the Syrians had brought back slaves and a little Israelite girl felt sorry for her master. She told her master that the man of God in Israel, Elisha, could cure him of his leprosy. So, now, the king of Syria is writing a letter to the king of Israel, and sending him a man, his captain, full of leprosy, and asking the king of Israel to heal him! They search out the prophet Elisha and Na-a-man expects Elisha to come out and “lay hands on him,” and heal him! And Elisha is thinking, “how bad does he want to be healed?” He sends word to Na-a-man to “dip seven times in the river Jordan!” The filthy river Jordan!

Na-a-man says, “Not in that dirty river!” Send me to a clean one… send me to the rivers in Damascus. Na-a-man is just like us. We want God to do something, but we want it on “our terms.” God is saying, “How bad do you want it? If you really want it, start dipping!” Na-a-man didn’t want to, but he got down in that dirty river, and on the seventh time, he came up clean!!

You may be praying about something, and the Lord says, “I will heal you or I will do this, if you will do this.” It will probably be something you “don’t want to do,” because your pride won’t let you! So, when you are asking the Lord for something, be sure to say, “Lord, which way to that dirty river?” Obedience is better than sacrifice!

Blessings, Sherry

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From the Outhouse to the Big House

Moses… We cannot believe he is in the 8th grade this year. It seems like yesterday, the children’s hospital was calling us to “come and handpick up a baby who had been dropped into an outhouse!” Apparently, his mother might have had too many children and didn’t want another one. Instead of taking him to Social Services, she tried to kill him! By the Hand of God, an old man heard his cry and tied a rope around his waist and went “down into the outhouse,” and pulled up the baby in a bucket! We brought him back to our small and overcrowded orphanage we had rented, and began to bring him back to health! When a few years went by, we all moved into the “big orphanage.” Moses loves sports and he is “very intelligent!” He is now in the 8th grade! This story always reminds me that God sent His Son, Jesus, down into the abyss of a world full of sin to save us. There is no telling what Moses Burnette will do in his lifetime! God has a plan! Sherry

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Food Comes to the Mountains

Early this morning, our Haitian team loaded two big trucks full of Feed My Starving Children food and beans! We were headed to a new area called “Mon Oreg.” We had never been there but the people were so friendly. We sent in a team ahead of time to give out “Food Tickets.” This prevents people from fighting over food because they know “if they have a ticket, they will leave with food in their hands.” (Only mothers get tickets!) It is an almost impossible situation to survive here in the poor areas of Haiti. We see lots of “survival programs” on TV, but this is survival for a lifetime… and feeding hungry children every day.

Many mothers give their children hot boiling water with a few wild leaves and some salt in it. When it boils, they give it to their children to kill the hunger. But, one mother had just boiled a pot of water and salt a few days before we got there, and sadly enough her little daughter Chenya, age three, reached up to grab the pot and pulled the hot boiling water onto her face! The neighbors told her mother to put “tomato paste” on her face. So, her mother got a small can on credit and smeared it on Chenya’s face, which made it worse.

After the feeding program, we loaded up mom, Chenya, and her other baby who was 2 months old and brought them to our Love A Child Clinic. We called ahead and Dr. Barthelemy was waiting in the ER for her. They had to clean her burned face, and they did an excellent job! I got a little doll for this little “baby doll,” and her mother got a ride back to the mountains.

This is “everyday life” in Haiti! Thank you and God bless you, partners, and God bless the Feed My Starving Children organization and all those who help us get this food to Haiti!

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God’s Healing Power

We arrived back safely from Mon Oreg. There were so many mothers coming to get food for their children and so many children coming to eat.

One little girl, about three, had pulled over a large pot of boiling water and scalded her face, about a week ago. The mother said it was “boiling tea,” but it was “saltwater soup” to feed her hungry children.

The boiling water scalded the little girl’s face and there was no money for a doctor. So, the neighbors told her to put “tomato soup” on her face to take the swelling away. But her face got really infected.

We brought her and her mother back and took them to our clinic here in Fond Parisien. They are cleaning her little face right now. If we were not there to take her to the doctor, a serious infection could have set in! We are so thankful for God’s healing power.


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