A few years ago, we began working in a village where they make the "mud cookies" that most everyone has heard about. These mud cookies are made because so many Haitian children are hungry, and if they have not eaten all day, they can eat a "mud cookie" and drink water, and their stomach will...
"Don't Even Take a Peek!" There's something that the Lord just hates about "broken focus." Anytime we take our eyes "off of Him" we lose track of what we are supposed to do... Lot's wife is a good example... When the Lord sent word through His angels to Lot that He was going to destroy...
PTL! We received 5,000 gallons of diesel late this afternoon! Believe me, this is a miracle. Casimi here in the picture has nerves of steel! God has sent special angels to work with Casimi. The delivery diesel guys are very brave. BBQ the big G-9 gang leader started letting fuel trucks leave the fuel terminal...
Hard to believe he's in 9th grade now. What a change in him. He is really growing into being a "responsible young man." Samuel is polite and intelligent and a hard worker! He plays drums in our children's Church services. Like all the other Haitian boys, he loves soccer (and is very good at it),...
"... the servant of God is thoroughly equipped for every good work..." - 2 Timothy 3:17 This verse tells us of the benefits of following God, serving Him, and seeking His ways. A follower of Jesus will be “equipped for every good work.” We believe this at our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) too, where our...
We have the best partners in the world! Sometimes, we receive items for children, and sometimes, items for moms! Nixon, our Administrator, took a box of gifts and colorful tote bags to these mothers, waiting for babies!! Oh, wow! They were so excited! Haitians love "colorful items"! These bags are great for carrying clothes to...
“What if God Gave Us His Leftovers?” How would you feel if someone “prosperous” invited you to their house for Thanksgiving dinner, and when you arrived, they said, “Glad you came over, we’re going to have ‘leftovers,’ just for you!” I’m sure you would be gracious but maybe just a little hurt or a little...
Sandraline is so sweet. In Creole, we call her "Piwili." She is now almost 13. Her mother had died and her young father fixed bicycles for a living in order to hire a woman to care for his baby. When he could no longer care for her, he brought he to us at Love A...
Mayor Yvrose recounts the amazing way God protected her and her orphanage children from the August earthquake. It’s been three months since the earthquake, but people are in desperate need of food and permanent shelter. Join us as we rebuild these people’s lives!
I just took these pictures of John Eddie and our wonderful Haitian construction workers. By faith, we are building housing for future mission teams to come! I know things look horrible now, but we are looking into the future. We are thankful to have 245 Love A Child workers just on this property. The Jesus...