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Special Service at Pastor Claude’s

Sherry and I took these pictures this morning at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage. He had a very special service this morning. Heaven came down!

Dwight and Pamela are doing a great job with the children. May God bless Victory Worship and Pastor Ray for sponsoring the orphanage monthly. Thank all of you for praying this would happen. Look what the Lord has done!!! Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“What’s Time, to God?”

Have you ever prayed and wanted God to “hurry up?” We live in a “hurry up” society! Everything is instant! Everything moves fast. I think that this is one reason that people when they pray, they don’t “keep on knocking.” They may ask the Lord for something once or twice and then, they get discouraged.

Time, to you and I, is not the same “as time to God.” “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” Psalms 90:4

Time, in God’s eyes, is not the same as “time,” as we know it. The Lord has a plan and purpose for everything. But always remember one thing… “God is never late.” And “even if “He’s four days late,” He’s always on time! So, don’t be discouraged, keep on knocking, and keep on believing. The answer is on the way!


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Update from the Dominican Republic

David George just sent us this note this evening here in Haiti. We are so proud of him and Angie!

“Hello Bobby and Sherry, greetings from the Dominican Republic!! Angie and I wanted to share with you both and Love A Child what God is doing here in the DR.  We have had a number of Outreaches in which we have given out 300 school backpacks, over 300 pairs of new shoes, fed hundreds of very poor Haitian and Dominican people in sugar cane camps and Villa Hermosa where our Love A Church is at. Our team has painted our church, fixed up the inside, and made it look so nice. We have put a new Love A Child sign over the front door. Today our church was so full of precious Haitian and Dominican children! I will be preaching in the morning at our church and it will be a great day. David George World Ministries is so blessed and honored to work here in the Dominican Republic with you both and Love A Child. We love and appreciate you both so very much for the incredible hearts you guys have. God bless you both and Love A Child abundantly in Jesus’ Name!! David and Angie”

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Update on Roselyne and Zachary

Well, how time flies! Here we have Roselyne, our precious young Roselyne, studying to be a doctor! She will be in her second year of college here in Haiti. We found Roselyne when we were conducting a Mobile Clinic in the mountains. Her legs were so crooked, and back then, there was no place to send her. We tried all the doctors, but everyone said there was nothing to be done.

Eventually, Roselyne grew taller and her legs straightened out! She went on to school, made good grades, and really had a heart to help people. She is in the “right place!’ She will make a great doctor.

Incidentally, guess who is on her lap? Our own little Zachary!! We were told today, that Zachary who is two, will be “going to school” in the fall!! Haiti starts their kids early, but this was scary! I barely hear him talk! He is a real quiet and very “unusual” little boy!

We love seeing our children grow up and most of all, we want the Lord to use their lives to help others! We love ALL the children… We hope we don’t have favorites, but sometimes, that’s hard!! Especially when they’re this sweet!


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Four More Little Citizens!

Here are four more little Haitian citizens who just arrived two days ago!! Thankfully, their mothers didn’t die in childbirth, like so many other poor mothers in Haiti, and thankfully, these little ones will not be in the system of “four more little ones” going to an orphanage!

Each year in Haiti, mothers are dying. Some die due to the fact that they have high blood pressure and no medication, and others die due to unsanitary conditions in their “mud huts.” I know. I have seen a baby delivered in a mud hut, and everything happened so fast, I was in shock! I remember the father reaching under his old, dirty mattress and taking out a rusty razor blade, and handing it to the local “midwife” (not trained). Before I could say anything, she cut the cord. Since there were no clean clothes or towels, she reached back in the corner of the hut and pulled out some dirty clothes to stop the bleeding. That was my first wake-up call to the fact that mothers die in childbirth here in Haiti, “every single day!”

That is why we built our beautiful Birthing Center. We have a “Women’s Teaching Center,” so that they can learn “not to drink those strong Haitian teas that cause the baby to come fast, and the mother’s blood pressure to go up!” They learn about Birth Control, and how to care for their babies and children. These women have come far, to come to our Birthing Center. They walk, they ride motorcycles, and they ride donkeys! When they have their baby, it is in a clean, beautiful birthing room, with lots of experienced midwives! They have a nice bed to recover in and “families who have come from far,” can stay in the Birthing Center Guest House and have food. Then, the wonderful part, is that we are one of the very few Birthing Centers in Haiti that provide “Birth Certificates!”

God bless our wonderful partners who sacrificed to build this beautiful Birthing Center for the poor! May God Bless you, abundantly!

Bobby and Sherry

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She Came in on a Donkey… She Left in a Cadillac!

Imagine being pregnant and riding a long way… on a donkey! Mirlene Saint-Juste left her village of Fon Verette to come to our Love A Child Birthing Center. She had left her area on the donkey at 2:00 a.m. and then, had to catch a moto. She got to our Birthing Center at 6:00 am!

Her husband, Robert Jean, is a farmer. He had no money to pay for delivery. Someone told him about Love A Child. They said, “they will treat her as if she is a rich lady.” So, this lady, who rode a donkey was now being treated like a rich woman! All the midwives gathered around her and gave her the best care!

Mirlene had said that her dream was to have her first baby at the Love A Child Birthing Center, because she knew it was a safe place. She said she didn’t have a “gourde,” (similar to a penny), to buy any baby clothes or diapers. But, when she had her baby, she was given a beautiful “Birthing Kit,” that had everything in it that she needed for her new baby!

The other miracle was that she received a “Birth Certificate” for her baby! This is a rare thing here in Haiti! Madamn Mirlene may have “come in on a donkey” but “she left on a “Cadillac!” She left with the blessings of the Lord! We thank those of you who support the Birthing Center each month!! God bless you, Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Look Back…”

“But his wife looked back from behind him and became a pillar of salt.” Genesis 19:26

What a sad scripture… The Lord had told Lot to get his whole family out of Sodom and Gomorrah because He was going to destroy it by fire. The only commandment the Lord had told Lot was that “no one was to look back.” You know the story, Lot’s wife became a “pillar of salt.” She could not give up the “low-life of Satan,” for the Blessings of the Lord. She had to have “one last look.”

Jesus came and said, “No man having put his hand to the plow, and “looking back,” is fit for the Kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62

That “last look back” on things you have given up, may cost you the great blessings that lay before you. It is hard to find missionaries to come to the mission field, nowadays. They come and they just have to have “one last look at what they left behind,” that boyfriend, that job, that way of life… they come and go. The same is true for all our lives. We can never, never “look back again.” When God has brought you out of that relationship, that marriage, that job, that situation, “don’t even think about it!” Don’t look back! Your future is before you! Blessings!

Bobby and Sherry

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Almost as Sweet as The Other Bobby!

Bobby… He is quiet, hard-working and always ready to help! He even “loves to work!”

Bobby is a typical Haitian teen who loves soccer and basketball. Believe it or not, he loves church and church music. He is learning the bass guitar and also plays drums.

Bobby’s father died before he was born and his mother died soon after. Bobby’s grandfather did not want to take care of him, so he told Bobby’s sister to find a home for him. Someone told her to bring him to Love A Child. He’s been here ever since! Bobby wants to be a mechanic! He’s a good kid! For a teenager, he is never a problem, and is always wanting to help! He’s almost as sweet as “the other Bobby!” Sherry

P.S. His name is Bobby Burnette too!

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Loading Earthquake Tents Into the Container!

The guys at the office in Fort Myers, Florida just finished loading the tents into a 40-foot container for Haiti. It will be leaving for Haiti today! The tents should arrive here in Haiti next week. Soon we will be putting up tents in the hardest-hit areas of the earthquake.

Note: We have people traveling each day into the interior locating each family who has lost their house in the earthquake. They are making a chart for 1,500 tents of each family’s name, cell phone number (if they have one), location, and name of their village. Once we arrive to erect the tents, we will have a large chart of where to go to put up each tent. After that, we have more tents coming!!! We really want to thank Hubert who is working so hard and is very organized so this will be a success. Thank you Joel Trimble for helping with all the logistics.

Angela from the office just e-mailed me and said it looks like we have two more 40-foot container loads of tents to go! PTL!!! Love is something you do!  –  Bobby Burnette

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It Was “Move-In Day” Yesterday!

Yesterday we dedicated the new Jesus Healing Center Staff Housing. Everyone was so excited! All the medical staff had given such good care to all the poor mountain families who come to our Clinic. We wanted now, to take care of the medical staff. This way, they will stay all week in their new housing. It’s much too dangerous to go out and be on the roads each day.
We give special thanks to an anonymous couple who sponsored this project. Thank you Anneice for giving $10,000 towards the furniture, and $5,000 towards the building. Thank you, Mark, Jesse, Bryan, and all the Haitian construction workers who worked so hard. A special thanks to Terry and Graham who flew in from the state of Washington to help put the roof on. We love you all!!! Mission Accomplished!!
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