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Sharing Hope

Children with Special Needs… Here in Haiti, children with special needs are usually “swept under the table” unless a really wonderful organization has a “heart” for the children. I will not begin to tell you what I have seen here in this country, but let’s just say that God has[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BE NOT AFRAID… “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 “… I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage…” Joshua 1:5-6 Jesus[…]

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Little Miss Anti-Stress

Nazalie (Rachael) is a precious little girl…very sweet. When she was a baby, her mother, who already had four children, died in childbirth. Her dad could not take care of her (or did not want to take care of her), and he brought her to us. We all call her Rachael but her real birth name is Nazalie. She is now ten years old and in the fourth grade and makes good grades. She is on the praise dance team here at Love A Child and never misses a step! She loves people and wants to be a nurse. The[…]

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The Wonders of His Works

This morning, we left for Madamn Adeline’s orphanage in a village called St. Michelle. Bobby, Philemond, and I had a good time giving the children handmade cars from our friend Howard, and darling dresses from Marianela Salazar/ Nela of the Poor. Her little orphanage children, as well as other children in the neighborhood, have school inside the orphanage at their desks. The children, who once had[…]

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Developing A Sure Path To A Better Life

Education and developing skills are a sure path to a better life in Haiti. Our new class of Sustainable Agriculture in Haiti students are all too happy to get dirty and worn out working to learn new useful skills for successful, sustainable gardening in Haiti. Yesterday and today, the six students have[…]

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Our Burden is Light…With a Little Help from Our Friends

We are on our way to Madamn Adeline’s orphanage. She and her children were living in a “mud-and-stick” shack (all 30 of them) until we met! God gave us a great burden to help her. Later, we found out that she had been going up on top of a high[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“…so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.” 2 Samuel 15:6 “And the conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom.” 2 Samuel 15:12 Here we have a sad story of a young man, Absalom, beloved son of King David, turning the people from their leader King David unto himself. Many people do not believe in evil spirits, but jealousy, pride, and rebellion are all in the same family. King David, once the[…]

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Samuel the Young Renaissance Man

Samuel… What a wonderful young man he has grown up to be… He is 17 years old and in the 8th grade. When he is not in school, Samuel helps with the “painting team” and loves to work! He enjoys basketball, football, and soccer! He loves music and is an[…]

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Paving the way to the Jesus Healing Center

Here are a few pictures of the pavers being laid to cut down on the dust, Bryon, and the workers working inside the Jesus Healing Center. Mark Ostrander is also here working. They are actually working on four different jobs at the same time! You can see how the Jesus Healing Center, the pink Birthing Center, and the Malnutrition Clinic all sit across from the other.   This morning at daylight pregnant mothers were waiting, many sleeping on the ground. We offer pre- and postnatal care along with birth control classes.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Can God Reverse The Decision?” Here in Haiti, we deal with a lot of Voodoo spirits. The Haitian people are always afraid that someone has put a “curse on them,” and sadly enough, they become so fearful that bad things will happen to them. But God is able to “reverse[…]

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