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Word from the Mission Field

“No man, having put his hands to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62 “Elisha” means “God is salvation.” Elisha had a yoke of oxen, and was ploughing in a field with others. His was one of the twelve “yokes of oxen.” He[…]

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Food Has Arrived!

PTL! Thank you for your prayers. Our 1st40-foot container of Feed My Starving Children arrived at 7:30 p.m. this evening. Casimi said he had a tough time getting here with the trouble on the streets, but he made the journey safely. Bobby Burnette

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What’s in a Name?

Stanley… It’s hard to believe, but at one time, Stanley was actually a skinny little kid! He had come to us from an orphanage in Cape Haitian. Their Creole is a little different than in other parts of Haiti, and when he got here, all I heard was “ki nam?”[…]

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Jesse Is Preparing a Way…to the DR

Jesse Ostrander has been in the Dominican Republic all week, preparing our Love A Child missions house for future trips. We also work in the Dominican Republic, ministering and feeding the Haitians in the bateys (sugar cane camps) where Haitian families live and work. The last week of this month,[…]

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Staying Healthy in Haiti

We just are so, so thankful to International Aid for their gift of the very best disinfectant and cleaning items, Betco. This is Dr. Barthelemy, the head of our Jesus Healing Center clinic. He was so excited to receive this gift. We use this every day in our clinic and in[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just. Luke 14:13-14 In life we want to do things for people who can pay us back,[…]

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God Will Move Mountains for Lionel!

Lionel is a really sweet young teenager. He is now 13 years old. It has been about five years since we took guardianship of him, when he was found in the street by the police, abandoned. It seems that his father had gotten angry at him and held his hand[…]

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We Love Sharing Our Blessings!

God loves a cheerful giver, and when we give and share, He always makes sure that it “comes back”! We can never “out-give God”! As we always say, sharing our food with other good missionaries is something that Bobby and I love! We were so poor when we moved to[…]

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The Lord Has Made a Way!

Paving the way with pavers and answered prayers! Out here in Fond Parisien, it is hot and very dusty. So many times I’ve seen the little pregnant mothers coming to our Birthing Center with white dust blowing all over them from our road inside Love A Child. The same thing with the mothers[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When God Asks a Little Thing…” Aren’t we all ready to “do something for God”? Something “flashy…something that everyone could see us do…” But what happens when God asks us to do “a little thing”? Is it “too little”? Maybe it will be so little “that no one would notice”[…]

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