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Peace Beyond all Understanding

As most of you know, the conditions in Haiti right now are as bad or worse as they have ever been. In Bobby and Sherry’s many years living there, they have never seen it this bad. Lawless, violent gangs have crippled the nation and there is no safety. Anywhere. For[…]

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Latest News

We have crossed over the Dominican Republic border. We have 6 more hours of driving. We will be in the DR taking care of business on Monday, returning to Haiti on Tuesday. Please pray for our safe travels. Love is something you do! Bobby, Sherry, and Philimond

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Word from the Mission Field

Neither be thou afraid:   “Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1: 9 “Moses the servant of the Lord is dead now.” Joshua 1: 2 Moses, God’s servant, has died, and now the[…]

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Stephano… More Than a Mechanic

Stephano, he is 11 years old and in 5th grade. Stephano’s father abandoned him when he was born. His mother was in prison with mental problems. We believe Stephano is really Dominican or Dominican/Haitian. The Department of Social affairs brought him to us when he was about three years old. Stephano[…]

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Haiti News Update

The 17 missionaries are not released yet. The gang is saying on Facebook, they will kill them if they do not receive one million dollars each. Please be in prayer. Our hearts are broken. We were hoping to have our third container of tents, tarps, and emergency supplies pulled in[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise, a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.” Luke 10: 31-32 Let us not[…]

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Haiti News Update

The 17 kidnapped missionaries have not been released yet. I cannot imagine what the missionaries, their families, and Christian Aid Ministries must be facing. Yesterday the Papaya gang on Facebook were saying terrible things about what they will do if they don’t get the $1,000,000 ransom for each. Tomorrow will[…]

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What Happened at 2:00 a.m.?

It was 2:00 a.m., and I heard my Haitian phone ringing. They never call unless it is an emergency. Our security guard said, “Come quickly. A baby has been left in the weeds.” This has happened to us before. Bobby and I drove down, and there in the bushes was[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Secret Things” Do you ever ask God “why,” or to reveal somethings to you and He has not done it. Just as we cannot, and do not, tell our children everything (for good reasons). There are some “secret things” that belong to the Lord, and it stays that way[…]

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Everything on Her Head!

Ten-year-old Rodna is a good girl! She just came home from school and has clothes to hang on the line. A true Haitian, she carries everything on her head! This metal pan was full of wet clothes a few minutes ago, but Rodna does everything with a smile! Her parents[…]

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