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Love A Child

“Newest” News from Love A Child

We all just arrived home safe here at Love A Child around 3:00 PM. As we came in today and crossed the border into Haiti, no one was on the roads. All our children were so happy!!! Thank you for your prayers. The first thing I heard was, “Dad we[…]

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Feeding One Means Feeding Them All

Our Malnutrition Clinic is still serving the malnourished babies and children of Haiti. In spite of having no gas and few local tap-taps or transportation, mothers will find a way to get their starving, undernourished children to us. We have the best staff and they take excellent care of the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The Haitian people and children are kind, humble, and everyone loves to joke and laugh. But in the last year and a half, their joy has been stolen. Gangs roam the streets terrifying the young and old. If you leave in the morning, you don’t know if you will be[…]

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Latest News – UPDATE

Sherry, Bryon, Philimond, Joker, and I, will leave early in the morning for Haiti from the Dominican Republic. We will be driving for about seven or eight hours. We can’t wait to see our children. We live there with them, all 85! Just a note… I know so many of you are asking us[…]

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“Grandpa” Wilguens (Jacque)

Wilguens (Jacque) is a hard worker but a “serious little guy!” Sometimes, he seems to look “too serious,” but he’s probably thinking about something. Wilguens is the brother of beautiful “Fabiola.” When his mother died, his father could not care for him and his sister. He would sometimes leave the[…]

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A Special Thank You, to Our Friends and Partners…

We wish to thank each and every one of you who have sacrificed large and small and the widow’s mite to provide tents for the poor, who suffered from the last earthquake. We sent tents to Stephanie, from the Haiti Deaf Academy, who had requested tents. By a miracle, we[…]

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Latest Updates – Please Pray

We are here today in the Dominican Republic (DR) checking into expanding here. Today we are here looking into setting up a feeding/sustainability program for the Haitian people. Thousands of Haitians have fled here to the DR from Haiti. Today, we will pick up Bryon Ray at the Punta Cana[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing to Live For.” It’s hard to believe that in this day and time, there are so many people who feel like that… Some are on drugs, some are wealthy, and others are miserable with life… they have no friends. This is how a man felt in Mark the 5th[…]

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Made it Safe!

Thank you for your prayers. We made it here safe in Punta Cana. PTL! We had a delicious meal at Dionys restaurant. With us are Philimond, Joker, and Emmanuel. We just called our Haitian daughter Michelene who lives near our mission house. She has a good job managing a “boutik”[…]

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Update on Travels

Passing through Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. Three more hours to go to Punta Cana! We have our mission house there. Tomorrow, we will be taking care of the Lord’s business and looking into a future feeding program for the Haitians. Thousands of Haitians have been fleeing[…]

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