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Bianca… “Will the Real Bianca Please Stand Up?”

Our Love A Child girls “are something else!” They can scrub floors, cook, mop, take care of kids, and do anything… they work hard! When given a job, you don’t have to worry about “will they do it?” This is the same for our “Bianca.” Just look at her with[…]

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Building by Faith!

Here is Mark Ostrander’s crew building for the future! John Eddie is the head of our Haitian crew, and we are building rooms to house future mission teams to come into Haiti. Due to all the gangs, riots, kidnapping, etc., we have not been able to any have teams in[…]

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“Children With a Vision…”

Haiti is a country with many problems, especially the lack of security. There are so many gangs on the streets, and even when there are not gangs, there are roadblocks! Yesterday, as some of our workers were coming in, they had rocks being thrown, fire at roadblocks, etc. With the[…]

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LAC TV Program “Boots on the Ground” Begins Friday!

The Love A Child team was the first and only team on the ground in several areas after Haiti’s earthquake. Your heart will be moved as you witness the destruction and hear from some survivors. A woman who lost her leg in the 2010 earthquake, and her livelihood in this[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Fish guts and seaweed… the price of disobedience.” All of us have “missed the mark” sometime during our life. I don’t believe there is a person alive, a Christian, who can say that they “never disobeyed the Lord.” We have all done it, and as soon as we do it, we know we have[…]

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Job – The Coconut Tree!

When a mother dies and leaves a child behind, the Social Affairs Department of Haiti can consider this child an “orphan.” A poor father cannot take care of a baby… He will try to “give it away,” or take him to Social Services, or give him to family to become[…]

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Another Warm Tent Story

Another warm tent story of a family (along with other families) receiving a tent in the earthquake zone. Giving out all of these tents has really touched our hearts deeply. Cannot thank everyone enough who helped with these tents. So far we’ve given out 1,500 tents in the Department de[…]

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Their Tears Are Their “Three Meals a Day…”

With all four corners of the country in Haiti in “lock-down,” many of the clinics have closed their doors. This could be due to gang violence all around the clinic or hospital, or it could be because people are afraid to travel on the streets because of the gangs. Some[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BROKEN FOCUS: “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10 So many things come up in our lives that try to break our focus from what the Lord has called us to do. Some of[…]

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Fabiola… Always Helping

Fabiola is one of the best students in her class! But even at that, she loves to work! She is always ironing, taking care of the children, hanging up clothes, and cooking! She is just a “sweetheart!” When her mother died, her father could not take care of her and her brother. What a blessing to[…]

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