We had a wonderful morning, giving Feed My Starving Children meals to 90 organizations who came for their monthly food gift. Over half of the organizations have orphan homes. The meals were a huge blessing! 272,000 meals! We want to thank all of our children who helped load the meals for the visitors and our...
Many of our wonderful partners have been sending in clothes for our children. We had some nice t-shirts and casual shirts, tennis shoes, etc. that had come in for the boys! I don’t know about the states, but boys here in Haiti are rough on clothes and shoes! I try not to let them wear...
"What if She Hadn't Given Her Last Cake..." I Kings 17 I just really love this story...there is a famine in the land of Samaria. There's been no rain in three years, so all the brooks have dried up. Elijah, the Prophet, has been by the brook Che-rith, drinking water and being fed by the...
Rodna Joseph is now 11 years old and in fifth grade. Her mother died when she was young, and her father had to “borrow” the money for her funeral. The man he borrowed the money from was so evil that he kidnapped all the rest of the children. He held them for ransom. Sadly, the...
We are so very blessed with the best doctors, nurses, and workers in our new Jesus Healing Center. It is kept "clean and spotless." There is a great feeling of peace and calmness when you walk in the door. This is where the "poor" come to receive a consultation, medical care, labs, etc., no matter...
This week, Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette travel deep within the mudrock caves that the impoverished families in Sapaterre and other mud cookie villages mine to produce, sell, and feed their children cookies made of dirt to stave off the pains of hunger. Who would ever imagine that just one hour and forty-five minutes from...
Don't be discouraged… “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7 Have you ever felt overwhelmed and just felt like giving up? Has Satan ever told you to just give up and quit? One time, about 4 years ago, I asked a dear friend, Toro Townley, who was a...
There are children all over Haiti, from the mountains to the garbage dumps, who live “day by day.” They try to find joy in the smallest things, because their lives are rough. They walk miles for a bucket of water, help their father plant seeds into soil that will not grow, and they try to...
Raphael is now 14 years old. He and his two sisters were brought to us by their aunt. They traveled all the way from Cap-Haitien to come here. His parents could not care for him, and so we took in Raphael and his two sisters, Bianca and Ada. Raphael is very sweet and quiet. He...
We are so excited about our new Malnutrition Center. We now have five babies. This morning, the mothers were sitting in rocking chairs, feeding their babies! Most mothers will not be able to stay a long time because they live far and have other children, but these mothers love their babies and will stay today...