Awesome! Our children had hot dogs over the open fire! Yum! We had music, and praised the Lord! Farmer John surprised us! In the end, all of a sudden big fireworks started shooting high in the sky! Wow! Thank you, Farmer John, for the fireworks. Thank you, David George, for sponsoring the hot dogs and drinks. Thank you, Doug and...
Dimelia and Roselyne spent the last six days at Lumier College to study for their entrance exams. They will both be in medical programs to study to be doctors. We are so proud of all our kids! If you would like to help with their college funds, please contact our Love A Child office at 239-210-6107.
Wow! Thank you, David and Angie George for blessing all the children and staff. PTL! David gave all the children who were 13 years and older a Christmas card with $20 inside. We have 61 children 13 years and older in our Love A Child Children's Home. Then all the staff who works in our Children’s Home...
Yesterday, we brought our Love A Child children to Pastor Claude’s orphanage. With us was our good friend, David George and our missionaries, Doug and Jessica Lackey. There were many children, all having a big plate of food, lots of music and fun, and the time of their life! God is so good!! He has...
Today, try to read about dreaming Joseph from Genesis 37 through chapter 50. What an amazing story! Don’t let anyone or anything stop your dream! What the Lord has put in your heart will come to pass! Bobby
Today, we brought the children from our orphanage to Pastor Claude’s orphanage in Fond Parisien. He bused in the children from his La Tremblay orphanage and we had a Christmas party for hundreds of kids!! We sang, praised the Lord, danced, played games, and then the children ate. Our Love A Child kids served them....
This morning Pastor Julio came with his crew to help load the truck with sacks of rice for the poor, and especially the children, who live in the Port Au Prince area. Pastor Julio has a great church by the name of Rendezvous. He also has Teen Challenge. Thank you to our Haitian sons George,...
"Don’t Look Back..." "But his wife looked back from behind him and became a pillar of salt." Genesis 19:26 What a sad scripture... The Lord had told Lot to get his whole family out of Sodom and Gomorrah because He was going to destroy it by fire. The only commandment the Lord had told Lot...
Jonas is 16 and in 12th grade here in Haiti. He is very responsible, with a good sense of humor. He is in first place in his class. When he was small, he moved up a grade because he was so far ahead. Jonas is a hard worker. He is assisting our plumber with a...
A little while ago, we took this picture of David George with our boys. All of our children just LOVE him. Tomorrow, we are having two of Pastor Claude’s orphanages come together for a huge lunch David and his friends are sponsoring. YUM… Goat, chicken feet, the works!! We will be sharing the true meaning...