Just look at these beautiful limes from our ATC garden!! Haitians use limes for “everything"! The precious thing about this picture is that Mr. Volcey used to live in the garbage dump near Cité Soleil. We built a house for him and his family and gave him a job! God has blessed him richly and...
“Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts…” 1 Samuel 17:45 Some of you may be facing a giant in your life today, and you feel so much smaller. ...
David is one of the sets of twins here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. He is in his “next to the last grade” in school, and he is making top grades in his class at school. He loves soccer and basketball! His dream is to become an electrician. In the meantime, he is doing some...
Our older boys and our Love A Child employees work very hard loading food to send to poor areas here in Haiti. But, we are all thankful to be safe and able to do this when there are no gangs on the roads. We are all praying that the problems in Haiti will soon be...
Yesterday, we had a rough time taking food across the lake to the poor families... but, everyone was so thankful! These pictures (and note) came in from the “TLC Barefoot School” whom we share food with every month: “Thank you, LAC Staff, for making it in spite of all that is happening in the country....
Jesus talks about the two greatest Commandments in Matthew 22:37-39. The first is that we love God with all of our heart, mind and soul. The second is to love our neighbor as our self. But, who is our neighbor? You might be surprised. Read Luke 10:29 today. Bobby
Today, we went to Porte-Plume (across the lake) in a “roughly-made” Haitian boat. It was extremely windy and could have been very dangerous! We served hundreds of children a big plate of food, after giving their parents a big sack of food. The only place they had where we could feed them was a Church......
We made it across the lake on this very windy day with a lot of waves. They bailed water out of our boat all the way! The people had been in line for a very long time. Love is something you do! Bobby Full report with pictures this afternoon. Thank you!
This morning, we will take Haitian boats back across the lake (between the DR and Haiti), for food distributions. We will also be feeding the children in these two villages who do not go to school. It is so sad... The wind has been blowing very, very hard this morning. Some of our employees went...